I’m a fan of finding weaknesses early in the vetting process. I’m gonna update this diary regularly as more candidates are in serious contention and I have more snark to retch.

Gov. Richardson – comes off like a hired goon.

Gov Sibelius – Is not Hillary (what matters to former Hillary supporters). Is a double-legacy (Governor Dad and Magistrate Hubby) establishment character when it boils down to it. Don’t dilute the brand, Mr. O.

Hillary – Over-exposed!

Ambassador Holbrooke – Promoted East Timorese genocide, providing President Carter with his most hypocritical moment. My money is on him if O goes with a Dem. He’s already out shilling expanding the WOT into Pakistan, etc.

Senator Mitchell – A personal favorite. Red Socks fan (and can be accused of a Yankee hunting bias in his recent ‘MLB steroid’ report). Apparently can be called an Arab American – dangerous in constellation with rumors spawned by Obama’s name.

Michael Bloomberg – It just makes sense if you get past the surface demographics of it. The Repug leader of our worst hit city teaming with the Dem who will right the ship of state is a temping story line that would kill McCains remaining strength: the abstract idea that he is ‘better on defense issues’. But he’s a ‘single’ Jewish Male. BUT: choosing Mr. Bloom would be doubling down on the bet that the ‘guns and angel figurines’ vote isn’t needed.

Al Frankin – Why deal with serving in the Senate? This rising star would ice the Jewish vote and put the SNL-Archivist bloc back in play (VHS, DVD, and MPEG-ophiles are all said to be ‘purple’ for the first time in years).

More on the way after work..

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