
CNN Interview with Shimon Peres

Greatest threat to Middle East peace (Israel’s existence?)

  • Iran
  • Iran satellites Hezbollah and Hamas
  • Terror acts
    Purpose of Israel’s invasion is to let Gaza free;
    Militants fired from UN school gounds.

    In last few days, Peres was quoted as saying: “We take care of our children” in explaining the high death toll of Palestinian children killed by IDF and IOF bombing raids on Gaza.

    IDF admits ‘errant’ bombshell killed civilians at UN school

  • Bloodied Gaza set for the endgame

    (Times Online) Jan. 11, 2009 – In the emergency room of Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, Dr Raed al-Arayni was entering his 12th day of nonstop work and was preparing for yet another operation when his worst nightmare came true.

    The bloodied little boy being carried into the room by a neighbour was screaming at him. “Baba, baba [daddy, daddy],” the child cried.

    “I did not recognise my own child because of his injuries,” recalled Arayni. “For a few seconds I couldn’t move, my knees became weak. I could barely stand at the sight of my child halfway between life and death.”

    Running over he realised that both his sons – Hathifa, 7, and Abdul Rahman, 5 – were lying in his emergency room, severely wounded.

    Tears streaming down his face, Arayni began working feverishly on Hathifa, who had the worst injuries. A chunk of shrapnel had pierced his chest, his right leg was broken and blood poured from his wounds.

    A colleague began treating Abdul Rahman. The nerves in his broken left arm had been severed and he had no feeling in his hand. They were able to stabilise the two boys.

    Witnesses: “Israeli forces fired phosphorus shells in Khouza”

    Palestinian witnesses said Israeli forces fired phosphorus shells early Sunday at Khouza, a village near the border, setting a row of houses on fire. Hospital official Dr. Yusuf Abu Rish said a woman was killed and more than 100 injured, most suffering from gas inhalation and burns.

    Gaza invasion next best to …

    Israel bombing nuclear facilities in Iran with US support.

    Cartoon George’s Last Stand

    "But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."

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