
Lou Dobbs challenges his own CNN network

Dobbs’ work has been so unpopular that even Ann Coulter has criticized him.

Dobbs has acknowledged that he believes Obama was born in Hawaii. But he gives airtime to disbelievers, and has said the president should try to put questions fully to rest by releasing a long version of his birth certificate. He’s twice done stories on his show after the public leak of a memo from CNN U.S. President Jon Klein saying that “it seems this story is dead.”

Klein said those stories were OK because they were about the controversy and weren’t actually questioning the facts. But critics suggest Klein is parsing words, that even raising the issue lends it credence.

Joked The Washington Post’s Lisa de Moraes: it “explains their upcoming documentary: ‘The World: Flat. We Report — You Decide.'”

Dobbs hasn’t made it any easier by using his radio show to fight back at critics, who he called “limp-minded, lily-livered lefty lemmings.” He considered going on CNN tormentor Bill O’Reilly‘s Fox News show to thank him (O’Reilly says the birthers are wrong, but he defended Dobbs’ right to talk about it).

“He’s embarrassed himself and he’s embarrassed CNN,” said Brooks Jackson, a former CNN correspondent. “And that’s not a good thing for any network that wants to be seen as a reputable, nonpartisan news organization.”

For more on the CNN/Dobbs nightmare, check out these videos from Media Matters & John Stewart – they’re pretty much self-explanatory:

Meet The Birthers: Look Who CNN Is Mainstreaming

Swift Boating the Birthers

Are the Swift Boat guys the backers of the birthers? I looked up WhoIs of Jim’s
website: ObamaNotQualified.com and his link with Russian born lawyer/dentist/real estate
agent Orli Taitz (MSNBC interview from Tel Aviv) and her website.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."

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