God I sure hope so:

Alaskans are getting to know Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams, a Democrat who finds himself with a shot at becoming Alaska’s next U.S. senator. McAdams has taken an unpaid leave from his job with the Sitka School District to campaign full time and has moved into a studio apartment in Anchorage.

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll showed him within striking distance of Republican nominee Joe Miller. A wild card is incumbent Lisa Murkowski, who is considering getting into the race as an independent write-in after losing in the Republican primary. That could draw votes from Miller but potentially from McAdams as well.

I’ve been to Sitka. Nice little town. I’ll bet it has been run better by Scott McAdams than Wasilla was by Half-a-Governor Sara P when she played at being mayor of her “I can see Russia from my Porch” hometown.

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