So there I was, surfing the hinternet while imbibing my morning coffee in order to make sure that it was safe to leave the house without running into armed gangs of terrorists, rioters or thieves, local or Feral Federal police of all varieties, swarms of poisonous insects, rampant viral plagues or a turn in the political weather that bodes ill for the survival of the republic. And what did I find? Featured in the pics portion of the Daily Bleats Beast? A survey titled The 13 most useless college majors.

Now being a big fan of the collapse of the American educational system, that was a must-click for me. I didn’t expect much in the way of deep content…I never do from the Daily Breast Beast and I am rarely disappointed…but instead I found what I consider to be proof positive that the whole U.S. system has now reached ground zero and is about to go completely negative. Minus numbers only, from now on. Bet on it.


Read on to find out why.
I quote:

In just a few weeks hordes of freshly minted college graduates will be thrown out into the real world with one huge question on their minds: what now?

Some, unfortunately, will be saddled with the unsettling feeling that their degree is not marketable in this tough economic environment, but for students with a few years to settle on a major, The Daily Beast looks into the numbers to find the 13 most useless college majors.

This year we started with new research (PDF) from Georgetown University–which drew from two years of census data to determine the prospects for myriad majors–to narrow down our list to more than three dozen popular college majors. We also used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, equally weighing the following categories to determine current and future employment and earnings potential for our final ranking:

Recent graduate employment
Experienced graduate employment
Recent graduate earnings
Experienced graduate earnings
Projected growth in total number of jobs, 2010-2020

I expected to find a list of basket weaving-level majors…you know, specialties in which you can totally fake an entire career, like business administration, political science, advertising, economics or meteorology?

But NOOOOOooooo, good friends. Instead I found a recipe for total and absolute cultural collapse.

Here they are, these “13 most useless college majors” in the order that they were ranked by one or more undoubted experts at useless fakery, NewsWeak NewSpeak Newsweek-style pseudojournalists.

   1. Fine Arts
   2- Drama and Theater Arts
   3- Film, Video, and Photographic Arts
   4- Commercial Art and Graphic Design
   6. Philosophy and Religious Studies
   7. English Literature and Language
   8. Journalism
   9. Anthropology and Archeology
  10. Hospitality Management
  13- Political Science and Government

O frabjous thirteen!!! If an alien force were to try to take over this culture, would acts of this sort not be the finest possible way to break our spirit, to subjugate us to a Borg-like ClompuKulture, to forestall any possibility of a revolt against Skynet’s wishes?

With the possible exceptions of Political Science, Hospitality Management and Commercial Art, what we have here is something saying “Do not enter into the study of human culture on any level whatsoever. Resistance is useless. History is over. You are now part of The Great Machine. Over and out; have a nice day.”

And we wonder why nothing that happens in this system any longer seems to make much sense.

A “progressive” president who signs a bill that wipes out any chance of real dissent in this country.

A “conservative” candidate for president who advocates the implementation of real freedom/the end of the Permanent War State and is non-personed by the media as a result.

A culture so debased that shit-daubing is considered art and any notice of real creative work is usually relegated to little ghettoes of the media like The New York Review of Books and some droning, semi-geriatric PBS talking head’s dribblings.

It’s over, folks. This little article? It’s just another expression of the truth from one of the many fat ladies who have been singing their rancid songs into our foolish ears for well over a century now.


Nighty-night, America.

Don’t let the bedbugs bite.

They might be drones.



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