The reason I ask…???


Y’see, the women w/whom he seems to be involved…with the exception of his wife, with whom he does not seem to have been particularly involved over the past several years and who looks more like upstate NY rural stock…all look suspiciously like Jersey Shore types or at best Kardashian klones.

Check it out.

Jersey Shore women

Kardashian women

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Petraeus women

Now…far be it from me to diss someone on the basis of their sexual preferences…I mean, I’ve got mine and you’ve got yours, if y’know what I mean.

Only…IQ levels have to enter into all of this when national security is at stake.


That’s the way the cookie crumbles. Sorry.

And my image-based IQ detector is screaming “Dumb like a motherfucker!!!” at all of these faces…male and female…w/the exception of Ms. Petraeus, the only one with whom the good General apparently seems not to want to sleep.

All of ’em. Right down to the chains around their necks.


Is this what’s running our national security apparatus?

I s’pose that’s a good thing, in a way…at least they’re not smart enough to go after anybody fairly subtle. Too busy fucking under a desk somewhere.


This is the boss level of Obama’s “security state!!!???”

What, me worry?

Not any more.



P.S. Saaayyyy…

Wait a minute!!!



Alfred E. Neumann?


Oh shit!!!


Emily Litella

I feel much safer now.

Yore freind…

Emily Litella.

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