I probably would be willing to argue that there is no such thing as “good” theology,” but I would never dispute that there is plenty of bad theology. One way to look at this is that it’s possible to try to solve a problem for which there is no correct answer. This could be considered a giant waste of time and a hopeless effort. Yet, if you can’t add and subtract, your efforts are doubly-doomed and kind of embarrassing, too.

That’s how I feel when I read about Mike Huckabee’s theological justifications for doubting evolution, opposing gay marriage, abusing refugees, imposing the death penalty, paying people next to nothing for their labors, and eating pork barbecue.

Once reason that Mike Huckabee doesn’t get more respect is because he has views on religion that make reasonable people cringe.

Another reason is that he’s turned himself into the new Sarah Palin. He’s just a nasty piece of work and not at all the kind of guy you’d like to have a beer with.

Also, he doesn’t drink beer.

I know that IOKIYR, but it seems worse than windsurfing.

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