(I originally wrote the following as a response to Booman’s recent post The Brexit Tantrum. If you haven’t read his post, it might be good if you do so…for context if for nothing else.)


Booman writes:

The British people, actually white working-class English voters, made a truly reckless decision yesterday in voting to have the United Kingdom sever its relations with the European Union. I say “reckless” because they have no idea what kind of consequences the decision will have, for them or for anyone else, and they were absolutely heedless of the warnings they received from a political and economic elite that they no longer trust. Things may turn out for the best, eventually, but it won’t be because this was a well-considered move. It was a giant middle finger and a roll of the dice.


There’s a lot of speculation that something similar could happen here in America in our presidential election. But giving the American people a few months to witness the shitstorm created by this right-wing tantrum in England probably makes that less likely than ever.

Gotta hand it to you, Booman. You hew to the Dem line no matter what goes down.

Read on for more.

Much more.
Check out these two charts:

U.S. ethnic population percentages:

U.K. ethnic population percentages:

I repeat your first and last statements above:

The British people, actually white working-class English voters, made a truly reckless decision yesterday in voting to have the United Kingdom sever its relations with the European Union.


There’s a lot of speculation that something similar could happen here in America in our presidential election. But giving the American people a few months to witness the shitstorm created by this right-wing tantrum in England probably makes that less likely than ever.

Now…you linked the word “white” to a WAPO article the actual title of which is “The Daily 202: Stop underestimating Trump. `Brexit’ vote shows why he can win,” an article that uses the word “white” in terms of ethnicity only once and the words “working class” not at all. I really do not understand why you linked to that article, because its conclusion…an unexpected breath of fresh air from the heretofore “Trump Can’t Win” mass media…says exactly the opposite. I quote: “He Can Win.”

And then you say that “…giving the American people a few months to witness the shitstorm created by this right-wing tantrum in England probably makes that less likely than ever!!!???”

Did someone from the HRC camp actually write that phrase (or something like it) for you, or are you so attuned to/in the thrall of DemRat politics in general that you magically pre-echo the undoubted tone of what the HRC camp will say once it follows its grinding bureaucratic process to an (inevitable day late and dollar short) decision regarding how to handle this massive loss?


You, the DemRat power structure and particularly Hillary Rodham Clinton had best start paying attention to “beating”  Donald Trump, not standing around all entitled-like waiting for some magical act to save us from his depredations.


There is a massive rightward movement afoot in the predominantly “white” nations of the world right now, a movement that is to be expected if not excused due to the total failure of globalism/neo-liberalism/multinationalism/call it what you will to adequately maintain the cultures and societies in which it has been operating as a governing force for about 30 years if not longer. You’d best get on the good foot side of that movement somehow…beginning by admitting that neo-liberal failure and then trying to moderate the resultant rightward movement if at all possible with some sort of pan-racial coalition…or history is going to steamroller you into powerlessness.

Wake the fuck up already!!! Every day HRC stands there in her rictus smile  political pose and considers some nonentities like Tim Kaine or Julien Castro as people who might help her is another day Trump that takes another giant step.

Like today. From NPR, of all places!!! HRC Central!!!

Make Britain Great Again? Donald Trump’s Remarkable Reaction To ‘Brexit’

They can’t even criticize him without giving him great publicity.

Donald Trump celebrated voters’ stunning decision in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, while he marked the re-opening of his golf course and resort in Scotland.

Trump contended that the U.K. had “taken back their independence” and predicted similar populist, nativist movements throughout the Western world, like the one fueling his candidacy in the U.S.

At a press conference from the 9th tee of the golf course, a lighthouse along the rocky coast in the southwest of Scotland in the distance, Trump seemed unconcerned about the precipitous, overnight drop in the British pound. the pound fell to a 30-year low following the vote, but Trump said it could be a good thing — at least for businesses like his.

“Look if the pound goes down, they’re gonna do more business,” Trump said. “You know, when the pound goes down, more people are gonna come to Turnberry, frankly, and the pound has gone down, and let’s see what the impact of that is.”


“I think I see a big parallel,” Trump said. “I think people really see a big parallel — a lot of people are talking about that. And not only the United States, but other countries. People want to take their country back.”

Take Our Country Back was a slogan of the Tea Party that mirrored Trump’s Make America Great Again presidential slogan. It has great parallels in the sentiment in the U.K. to go through with this historic move that was driven by blue-collar whites without college degrees put off by immigration that has become a scapegoat for lower wages for some. Nativist sentiment in the U.K. has also been a factor for those who believe the British brand has been watered down.


“People want to see borders,” Trump said. “They don’t necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don’t know who they are and where they come from.”

The real-estate developer added that he thinks the departure from the E.U. will benefit Britain, at least in the long term. Trump predicted more travel to the U.K., saying, “I think it could very well turn out to be a positive. Nobody really knows; you’ll know in about five years; you’ll be able to analyze it.”

Upon arriving in Scotland, Trump tweeted, “Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back.”

Lord A’mighty!!! That’s from an opponent!!!



P.S. Pay attention to the telling “Data note” on the U.S. chart:

2.4% of the respondents Hispanic origin. (Any race)

That means that…given a choice between the two… they primarily think of themselves as ‘White” rather than “Black,” a fact to which I can personally attest after having lived deeply inside of  the Hispanic subculture of NYC for nearly 50 years. So…of what exactly does this mythical “white working-class” consist  this country? The historic “middle class” is now a “working class” in terms of economic security…mostly due to the neo-liberal sell-off of U.S. industry in favor of higher short-term profits for the ruling .01%…and who exactly is or isn’t “white?” Do you think that HRC can out-right wing Trump somehow? Fuggedaboudit!!! Her only remaining chance is to take a step to her left, make Elizabeth Warren her hired gun/VP and go all pro-worker/anti-Wall Street on him.

Can she do it?

Will she do it?

Stay tuned.

But…play it safe. If you don’t yet own a red tie, go out and buy one.

If she fucks up, you’re gonna need it.

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