Where is the outcry from the White House and Pentagon? No place to bomb for revenge? Perhaps Ankara, the capital of Erdogan and his support for Sunni rebels in Idlib province? No, Trump just congratulated him for his power grab to install himself in an autocratic state as “leader” until 2029.

Perhaps an airfield of the Emir of Qatar, a Sheikh sitting on his throne in Dubai, UAE or the King of Saudi Arabia, busy bombing the Huthi rebels in Yemen.

Erdogan Has A Legitimacy Problem | DW |
Germany sells arms to UAE despite Yemen conflict | DW |

I dropped my camera to save the children after deadly bomb attack on civilians

Photographer and activist Abd Alkader Habak was there working and was briefly knocked out by the blast. When he came to, he began trying to help the wounded.

“The scene was horrible — especially seeing children wailing and dying in front of you,” Habak told CNN. “So I decided along with my colleagues that we’d put our cameras aside and start rescuing injured people.”

The first child he checked on was dead.

He ran towards another. Someone shouted at him to stay away — the child was already dead, they said.

But he wasn’t. Habak could see the boy was barely breathing. He picked him up and began to run towards safety. His camera was still on, recording the chaos.

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Syria photographer takes action instead of pictures (Photo: Abd Alkader Habak)

How Syrians came together to rescue evacuee massacre survivors | Al Araby |

I had written the following diary just hours before the deadly blast hit a bus convoy with Shia refugees, waiting for the final go ahead towards freedom in Aleppo.

US Using Bombs In Syria as Iran Closes Deal through Diplomacy

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