Longtime Newark Star-Ledger editorial editor Tom Moran has some observations about Gov. Chris Christie’s predicament:

It is no surprise that these guys were nasty and petty enough to do something like this. They stripped the security team from [former governor] Sen. Richard Codey (D-Essex) when he dared to push back against them. They cut funding for an internship program run by an elderly Rutgers professor after he sided with Democrats on the redistricting fight. They froze out newly elected Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop after he refused to endorse the governor. This list goes on. It is Christie’s style.

The surprise is that they were so stupid about it this time, that they caused hardship for thousands of people as if that would not blow back at them, and then put it all in writing for investigators to find.

Note to all those who compare Christie to Tony Soprano: Tony’s crew would have been smart enough to use code words.

In many episodes of The Sopranos we saw Tony walk down to the end of his driveway in his bathrobe and collect that day’s copy of the Star-Ledger. But Tony never was so fortunate to have billions of dollars in SuperStorm Sandy money to distribute.

Come to think of it, they could make a whole new series featuring Tony’s old crew as they figure out how to get Governor Christie to fill their coffers with Sandy aid. They also might figure out an angle to get a piece of that billion dollar Fort Lee development project.

Yeah, it’s probably time for a spin-off.

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