Author: BostonJoe

Judith Miller Is a Liar

After reading Judith Miller’s account of her dealings with “Scooter” Libby, I am left with one question for the people operating the NYTs: Do you really expect me to continue reading your publication and assign any credibility to the stories that you publish?

I almost picked up the phone and canceled the subscription on the spot.  But I simmered down.  Maybe the NYTs still serves some function in my life, as an inspiration to my fiction writing.

But honestly.  How do they employ a liar.  Defend a liar as a standard bearer in the fight for freedom of the press and investigative journalism.  And allow a liar three-quarters of a page in the Sunday paper to talk about how she lied, and to whom.  Did Jayson Blair get this opportunity?

Am I over the top?  You be the judge:

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The Accidental Activist: Lessons

Have you ever seen that movie, Goodfellas.  The scene where Ray Liotta is all coked-up, about to get busted, and he says something like, “I had to get the pasta cooked just right, and I had to keep my brother stirring the Marinara, or it was going to stick.  I had to get the mule on the plane with the baby.  And Jimmy needed the guns.  And there’s this damn helicopter just following me all day.”

I am having one of those moments.  Not in the mobster sense.  (Note to any government officials monitoring this site:  99% of the crap I say here is pure bullshit; not to be taken as having evidentiary or investigative value).  I got to get the young one ready for school, there is laundry like Everest downstairs, I’m working behind the scenes on mini-book deals, I’ve got myself into a conversation about U.S. involvement in 9/11 (and I don’t mean to be ignoring all you nice folks who were kind enough to offer me some reading material — I’m just swamped), I’ve got clients with fucking tax questions, the Administration is on the verge of being impeached, I had to shop all over town to find Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale so I can celebrate my completed and published novel with my brother tonight, I’ve got a growing Internet activist e-mail ring of great people from BMT and Kos and Michigan Liberal (suggested by Maryscott O’Connor) that I’m managing, and I’ve got a thick-bespectacled, part-time, tree cutter who likes to tell stories like Mark Twain, and is almost as entertaining, who just can’t give me a quote for taking down the White Pine in my yard (that has most likely been killed by climate change) in four-thousand words or less, even though I’ve told him I’m going to go nuts.

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BREAKING!!! Bush Guilty of War Crimes

This diary is a work of fiction.  People, places, bloggers, events and situations are the product of the diarist’s imagination.  Any resemblance to actual events is just goofy, and purely coincidental.

Booman City – George W. Bush, the 43 President of the United States, was convicted of war crimes yesterday by a unanimous verdict of 25 Booman jurors.  The conviction followed a day of whirlwind courtroom activity, and several twists of questionable legal validity, according to experts.

Prosecuting Attorney Ductape Fatwa, only recently returned from battling fascism in Indiana, began the proceedings with a bombshell, alleging that President Bush “lacked the intellectual capacity of a cement goat, of the style commonly used as garden decor in certain unfortunate neighborhoods.”

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Dowd Torches Harriet the Sycophant

I know the NYTs has gone to subscription service for their columnists.  So after reading Maureen Dowd today, I just had to give you guys some clips.  (I should be working, but what the heck).  It is hilarious.

She writes a column about Harriet Miers “love letters” to President Bush.  Starts off quoting the real birthday card she sent the President back when she was the head Lottery ball-drawing official.  “Best Governor Ever.”

And then she launches into a series of imagined missives (that Dowd sourced to leakers Scooter and Karl) from Harry to Bushie.  I post some of them after the flip:

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Washington D.C. Threatened by Hurricane Fitzgerald: Indictments for Entire White House Iraq Group?

Raw Story reports that the WSJ will print a story tomorrow that will say the Fitzgerald investigation is now investigating the White House Iraq Group:

Lawyers familiar with the investigation believe that at least part of the outcome likely hangs on the inner workings of what has been dubbed the White House Iraq Group. Formed in August 2002, the group, which included Messrs. Rove and Libby, worked on setting strategy for selling the war in Iraq to the public in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion. The group likely would have played a significant role in responding to Mr. Wilson’s claims.

Who is in the White House Iraq Group.  Oh nobody really important.  Just Karl Rove, Karen Hughes, Mary Matalin, James R. Wilkinson, Nicholas E. Calio, Condoleezza Rice, Stephen Hadley and I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby.  This is the list per Wikipedia.  There are others who might push this list as high as 21 top administration officials.

Fucking unbelievable.

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