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    I don't understand?? At some point when a conservative steps over the line to being a racist...that is the line…
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  • Well what do you expect from a Mayor who would drive a Honda Hybird instead of Ford Escape Hybird or…
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  • where's mary? because the Royals beat the Cardinals yesterday!
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  • Madison, Wisconsin in been there once in late fall.
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  • last I heard, Not Guilty was the OJ verdict. Whether you agree with that or not, that is our system…
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  • I forget, who was that Republican Congressman who was sending the Pages sexually explicit e-mails. Is that considered teen sex?
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  • but that quote has the  new code words that we don't like Mexicans or brown people "invasion". The real hurting…
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  • In reality he's been a lame duck since last year on the immigration issue. He couldn't get it passed when…
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  • http://www.kansascity.com/news/hot_fuel/ KC Star ran an in-depth article on how Big Oil is stealing from us every day.  Apparently in Canada…
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  • What Manny said. The Immigration Laws could have easily been fixed within the current system. When I read the "grand…
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  • here is a good burn out song
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  • you think Kris Kobach could have driven across town, where his daddy owns Buick Dealership and learned a little culture.…
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  • I keep hearing Kris Kobach's name spewed out by Sen. Sessions and Kansas elected him as the head of the…
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  • what Kamakhya said, plus it appears Scooter Libby doesn't care about his family or he wouldn't have lied to the…
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  • I'm speechless? James Carville has his wife transformed him into some sort of republican puppy dog?
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  • but couldn't Libby be named an "enemy combatant" and be put in the Naval Brig???
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  • Just wondering out loud..how many people, who are heads of household, will die during their travels for the touch back…
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  • 30 months..for violating putting our country at risk, they should sent him to Gitmo.  
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  • I wonder if any of those GOP/Terrorist were on the no-fly list?
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  • he could have syph..which has gone untreated or is untreatable.
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