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    I think Dick needs to get back on the "Lithium" is allowed to get away with comments like that...unlese he…
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  • how else can I watch Republica Deportiva...Sunday morning?
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  • I guess I read the link and didn't finish reading your post. Must have turned on the TV.
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  • LOL...I heard Warren Chisum can't drink the kool-aid. Because he has yet to figure out how to get two quarts…
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  • does this somehow relate to your last diary.  I sure he scored pretty high on the addiction level.
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  • it got up to 51 today...a heatwave compared to Friday morning when it was 4 degrees in the moring.
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  • I like how I was called a "religious nut", it was strange to say the least.
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  • XP you cover a lot of turf with this post. For the hate part read below. Okay..a little overuse of…
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  • I would beg to differ. I think those Republicans listed lost because of their party affiliation and all that it…
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  • typical neo-con strong on rhetoric, weak on protecting America. I think we need to get to an America First Agenda…
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  • well he did show up at the law firm..in booman t-shirt and jeans. No fashion police here, just wondering how…
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  • You didn't make any Biden like commetns did you. What is the occasion..Beer. Anyway you are all dressed-up.Why.
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  • so who's going??
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  • What happen did SN have to many beans, 'cuz this pond must frozen? I like the link to the signs.."if…
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  • http://www.meatnews.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=article&artNum=11012 okay..the web-site address should get everyone's attention. How stupid are these republicans? Know they want to import the bird…
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  • What is wrong with the ABC new story, is the link below. http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070212/NEWS/702120373/1039 as As it appears the Army is…
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  • In 2008 we'll be saying Liberman..who is that. His days of a swing vote are numbered, he knows it, I…
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  • Then this article should be of interest to you: http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2006-12-08-saudis-sunnis_x.htm It appears the Saudis maybe supply money & equipment to…
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  • So what are they leading too, invade Iran. Where do they think they will find the troops? Barking dogs don't…
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  • But it is 30% percent off..in more ways than one.
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