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    With this sort of incursion assaulting Iraqi identity, perhaps a partial adoption of the 'Biden' plan is still in the…
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  • That and a Jubilee would just about do it.
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  • Will it? In the mean time (before the election), we will see Europe's debt crisis expand and the recognition of…
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  • Like..?
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  • Who left who again? I'm thinking that is a serious matter of opinion. If you're going to fail, being right…
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  • I'm pretty sure it is possible to work for real change in the streets in October and still show up…
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  • I get it. You just don't want to think or take in new information. That's cool. Just spare me.
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  • It may just be possible (probable?) that we're so screwed up that permagov will continue to execute it's pan-asian resource…
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  • (Again?) These are your words: So........sitting the election out ala 2000 and 2010 isn't the same thing? Please start with…
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  • Whatchoo tawkin' 'bout Willis? How about both voting AND scaring the pants off of establishment toolbags at the same time?…
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  • Repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a definition of madness, remember? Repeating…
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  • Head.. just.. a .. bit.. further.. into.. sand.. Crowded down there, no?
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  • Perhaps, but I thought repeating the same thing over and over again is a definition of madness, remember? Centrist pussy…
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  • Ever watched Obama walk through a room after a speech? He doesn't look anyone in the eye - he is…
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  • Boo, there is no platform (yet) because it is not a corporate-sponsored or single-organization event. The primary activity besides "walking…
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  • Obama's weaknesses: Perception that he is weak on the economy and all things business. Perception that he failed as a…
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  • There is just such an opportunity (for a third candidate), but it would vaporize if Obama was able to convince…
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  • Civil War? There has to be two sides under arms. I only see one fighting force taking the field. "Our…
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  • Does the fact that money donated to the TPEx instead lines Sal Russo(et al)'s pockets actually bother anyone? I think…
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  • Yeah, the whole "HOW DARE YOU! WE ARE IN A TIME OF WAR!" meme was way strong. Odd how it…
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