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  • Yay, gunshows!
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  • It's not all hell in a handbasket just yet - we have a move: Legalize and sensibly regulate drugs (prices…
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  • The biggest danger in the abject defeat of Republicans is the very predictable split of the ruling party. If there…
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  • You don't punch down. Olberman is doing a fine job. Keep the bare knuckling in the back alleys. If you…
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  • No American politician has said it, but after the minimal response to the California Energy 'crisis' and the whole Oil…
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  • Gold is also being sold simply to pay debt, providing much of the downward pressure that has been hitting metals…
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  • Anyway you look at it, losing a few decades of economic growth in just a few months is gonna be…
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  • Something like this: the only election 'really' worth winning is one where you can actually make the transformational change, so,…
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  • Not that I disagree, but any such predictions tend to gloss over things like the differing composition of the indices…
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  • The DOW 'should' be at @5900 right now: That's the current valuation minus what remains of the 'fiat economy', assuming…
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  • Well, then this would go a little way to explain why the GOP would so quickly decide to campaign against…
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  • If the Repugs actually stuck to their word and have systematically minimized pork to their own districts, while the Dems…
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  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29461484/
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  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29459328/
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  • Psst... the best meat is in the Rump!
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  • Wonder how far west we would have made it if our own shameful expansion was televised or blogged or stood…
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  • Okily dokily!
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  • Where is he now? Obama is just re-announcing a previously negotiated deal. I'm happy, but c'mon. 'Thruthiness' didn't serve the…
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  • Anyone else find that fascinating and telling? I am not going to type the word Republican again for two weeks!…
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