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    Apparently he's around abouts the gates of hell. As we all watch McCain is fictionalizing himself in order to cross…
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  • You forget, McCain will.
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  • no images in comments now? last two tried to link to this: http://bp0.blogger.com/_yJKbTGbmTZg/R73gbxdyVII/AAAAAAAAAsU/gVBPxdYDO0E/s1600-h/HairyMan.jpg
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  • Like a big hairy guy in his skivvies.
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  • There are a lot of dead cows that would feel that the anthrax was indeed effective. Also, the average Rhodesian…
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  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26012351/ Looks like the big C continues to bring down baddies and good guys alike. Novack says he is going…
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  • This deadman is a scapegoat or a participant/witness. The main guy is dear Dr. Hatfill, who participated in covert operations…
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  • Indeed! A little of our system's vaunted self-correction, eh?  'Soft on terror' is a hard sell, even still.  
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  • I was thinking that New Jersey might serve better as Zion .
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  • When you think about it, the 2000 Presidential Campaign was between the scions of America's most accomplished Nazi and Communist…
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  • I wonder if it is really that rare of an experience to have a death row inmate come out against…
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  • Is it allowed to be pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish and anti-Israel?  Cuz that's how I want to feel...
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  • If the US gov't tried to take us directly to the 'rights' of the Brits, there would be revolution. Just…
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  • And is one of the reasons I have faith in the idea of 'Line Item Tax Allocation' where we all…
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  • They have their secure world penned-in nightmare luxury lifestyle burned inside their forebrains, but it's unsustainable, and will die.
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  • [I would first like to say, that taken across all votes, the American public does rather well in decision making…
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  • .. in the context of broad international co-operation, of course.
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  • #1 Priority : Learn to tell the WHOLE story better. Stop parsing the problem into small pieces and start to…
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  • Doesn't that say it all? Pain, Art, Pleasure.. Our ability to both feel and endure both Ppain and Pleasure grows…
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