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    Contrast this well-written and accessible appeal to the mindless, detail-free and unlistenable speaches from Mr. Bush the last 2 mornings…
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  • Just think about it for a sec.. try to judge the recovery plan.. one one side, an impossibly large amount…
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  • They hang the man and flog the woman That steal the goose from off the common, But let the greater…
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  • Compare these two quotes. The first from above: Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and…
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  • I'm with you, but also consider the balance between speed and not f'ing up that they have had to consider..…
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  • apologies to Naomi Wolf,  I meant Naomi Klein: http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine
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  • The radical left sees this as a moment of Creative Destruction?!!?  I'm afraid it's the left, right and center this…
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  • L'shanah tovah tikatevu, havarim! If only rhetorical bravery and holding office weren't so mutually exclusive there, here, everywhere..
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  • ..will not be televised..
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  • indeed.. sounds like we're buying a buncha crap.
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  • I'm down with much of this, but it seems that a lot of it is window dressing (most of that…
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  • I am sure not just anyone can contribute a good idea without being a party's vice presidential candidate. But some…
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  • I gots no landline! think about all the college kids who have a phone from home so they don't get…
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  • and McCains says... Country first! .. and nothing changes..
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  • Commodities are actually falling precipitously, despite what the news is saying.. There is no safe haven. When people realize that…
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  • Can someone tell me WHY: Paying down the difference between mortgage values and property values for all mortgage holders would…
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  • Priests piss me off.
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  • By his own admission, point 2. He cannot be stoppedgh logical or rhetorical or social means. He WILL drop dead…
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  • Check out cafepress.com - you can have these t-shirts made per order, so you don't have to carry inventory or…
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  • "Clintons to the rescue!!" Worst headline ever. Obama is his own man. It's best that way.
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