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    Yeah, baby, yeah... I love the sound of Senator Franken... It rolls off the tongue... Our cuz is gonna make…
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  • Looks like Iran's regime will be changing in a year too? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/04/AR2008110402557.html?hpid=moreheadli nes The Iranian hardline has a loser as…
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  • .. and a Financial Meltdown... .. But did anyone notice that we've attacked 2 sovereign nations in the last week?…
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  • Phillies, Phillies, Phillies, Phillies. Phillies. (Biggest Parade in City History Occurs)
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  • Is  Philly's # asset.
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  • Schwarzenegger, Hagel, Jindal, Bloomberg, Mittens, etc.  These guys are all the types that could/really,really,really want to lead the Repugs out…
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  • Those Obama/Phillies pins will be valuable someday.. keep them in good condition!
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  • One thing to consider is the the difference in audiences for passive versus active media users. Although this is changing…
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  • best quote ever.
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  • There is such a long history in America of ready for death religious nutbags, armed to the teeth and aimin'…
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  • I think Bush's stupidity is his ultimate shield from responsibility. Think of it from the fundamentalist, revolutionary Repug's POV: He's…
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  • While I find those beliefs lunacy, there is a difference between power-mad and god-crazy, and just plain stupid. She'd be…
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  • EVEN IF.. Let's say there wasn't a Palestine. Even so, the activities of the State of Israel have created a…
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  • Your first two points are no longer true, thanks to Bushy-boy.
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  • It's all about shared goals, not achieving them... Greater Israel is not to be laughed off - it's a mission…
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  • I got yer costumes right here...
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  • She's not the bimbo people think. It's the same intellectual possum game that Bush plays. Not saying she's brilliant or…
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  • Excellent point to remind folks of, and one that goes a long way to figuring out the special relationship between…
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  • I like your definition of terrorism as a tool of asymmetric 'warfare', but under a false flag operation, the definition…
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  • Is it just me or is skinhead the new black?
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