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    I just wonder why the very disappointing reaction of mob violence is the premise. Why not something else? Are you…
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  • Sounds like fun! If things break down like you describe [and it's no more or less unlikely than an Obama…
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  • Unless you really are priming folks to be ready to fuck shit up. In that case, onward ho.
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  • Careful publishing stuff like this. We all know it's possible, but articles like this can have a real, somewhat justified…
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  • Not to mention that going from Killing Machine to kindergarten teacher is a bit of an adjustment, to say the…
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  • I listened twice at work today.. I gotta dust off my old bootlegs..
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  • By constantly addressing the camera directly, Obama took a page from Sarah Palin, effectively connecting on a level he's lacked,…
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  • I wonder what didn't go right with talking VP with Chuck?
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  • Perhaps now he can afford his own beard and stop borrowing Boo's.
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  • Muchas gracias!
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  • I guess once your reputation is shot, you can shill for ANYTHING: Gen. Powell calls Senator Steven's word 'sterling': http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27120339/…
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  • Baby abuse, of course!
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  • Anyone ready to shed their shock and DO something? I am organizing a farming commune network in Eastern PA/NJ if…
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  • ...followed by taking a big dump on my IRA.
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  • '...yawn...' - Wall Street in reaction to a nearly worldwide half point rate cut.
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  • Now it's time to fight over the scraps: Citigroup Sues Wachovia, Wells Fargo Over Takeover (Update2) : http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aGFtOPHaJke8&refer=home
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  • The bad reaction is because we passed a next month solution for a today problem.
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  • There is nothing like impending, unstoppable doom to focus the mind.  Fear is one thing, doom is another. We're are…
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  • An excellent bit of analysis, but an even wider lense shows that tho the problems with foreclosures and these obfuscating…
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  • The unitary VP shite scared the living shit out of me. This philosophy must be immediately test via legislation intended…
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