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    There is a comment below which, rightfully shuts down this line of 'humor'. Although, I gotta say: Without humor as…
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  • Let me follow this line of reason to it's conclusion: To acheive peace now, we just send in an army…
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  • Here's a (former) American religious giant who agrees that Hell has no place in Creation: http://www.ondoctrine.com/10pearso.htm He's a favorite of…
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  • I love it when you write in paragraphs!
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  • Umm.. This is a lot cheaper and morally sound than a shipment of arms... There is something to men being…
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  • Very interesting subject matter. I was one of the first classes to graduate from UC Berkeley's (then) newly created Cognitive…
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  • Putting this guy in the spotlight before he is 'ready' (could he ever be?) may end up a blessing in…
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  • What's with Oklahoma City? I think we need to invade in order to preempt the next attack.. Contrast REALITY with…
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  • Release him, now! Don't we believe in an unregulated economy any more?!!?
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  • Mmmm.. I smell a Senator in the family (Al's some flavor of cousin). Go, Al, Go! This has been an…
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  • There needs to be someone at the wheel of the ship in order to turn it. At least he is…
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  • 'Give them'? This guy didn't come out of nowhere, now.
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  • He would have been made a national hero. Much as today. Fixed news is crazy.   Perhaps if the target…
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  • IMHO, Inclusion necessarily means doing stuff with ridiculous evil bastards fairly often. I think we'll have to get used to…
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  • IMHO this is just dramatics for a deal done long ago to get Senator Kennedy's (and her) public support. The…
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  • An Obama/Kennedy/Clinton agreement does indeed pan out: The equation: HRC->State->SCOTUS and/or Chelsea->Congress and C.Kennedy->Senate->Presidency(yes!) equals B.Obama->President http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28239980/
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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmt2_wyDKJI
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  • I don't think we can understand what this means for a little bit. That image is going to haunt Bush…
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  • An Iraqi journalist just threw his shoes at BUSH!! OMG OMG OMG.. ONTAPE
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