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    More medical news: Work stress 'changes your body' A stressful job has a direct biological impact on the body, raising…
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  • CG thought she had a tough day the other morning. This guy takes the prize, though: A man has been…
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  • I can still see it between the gables of the neighbors' houses. It will be gone in a couple of…
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  • It's been a chatty crowd lately. You might still be recovering from the cold, body still wants rest. We saw…
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  • Good morning! That's better - it was pretty messy.
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  • Good morning! The frost is (barely) gone again. Fantastic full moon in the west.
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  • Morning, FM! Guess you got some sleep this morning. I'm on mt third cup. Time to make a new pot.
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  • I've noticed that you keep going back - I believe boran does as well. Maybe sometime this fall, and your…
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  • Good morning, Andi! These desert photos of late make me want to visit. And curly and I have discussed a…
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  • I'm at my place with swimmer (still sleeping, or pretending to). curly also has a cold/cough that won't go away;…
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  • Good morning, all! Good entertainment this morning... Having once been there myself, and now with a 13 yo boy; there…
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  • Hey plf, Good to see you back!
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  • I saw his slacking attitude in the comments 😉 Too cold for outdoor activities in your area? Not too bad…
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  • Morning, Andi! I'm wondering too. TV showed lot's of snow coming down in the south (and we have none...).
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  • Hope you get enough to build a snow man.
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  • Good morning, Andi and FM! I guess the cold blast will hit us a day later, we have 32, sun…
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  • That is cold. Mid/low teens will be our low and I'll enjoy my new fan heater.
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  • Well done if you can nap after a pot of (caffeinated) coffee.
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  • Good morning, FM and Andi! Second cup almost done. We have rain in the forecast and then a cold spell…
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  • Good morning, Andi and CG! CG, this day is obviously hexed - back to bed as soon as CBtE is…
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