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    Sorry to hear of such a sad story at Christmas Time; your daughter must surely have had a hard time.…
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  • Santa was good; as noted in another comment, I got 8 hrs + of sleep last night. Got some books…
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  • Morning, Andi and FM! I got what I wished for; more than 8 hrs sleep last night - can't recall…
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  • Takk, i like måte. And enjoy the family dinner!
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  • Morning, id! That looks like fun, we'll try to get it on Netflix. All set for your celebration?
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  • Thanks for this essay. I think you're on to something...
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  • Morning, Andi! Hope it is all enjoyable. We're kind of done already. Only relaxation ahead. Watching a full moon setting…
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  • One more time will drive me mad.
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  • Hah, I have also been in Trollhättan in February.... Dreary, drafty and cold.
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  • Thanks, the motives really require little talent to come out decently. Follow the link and see the slide show of…
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  • It's my ex-wife that has siblings and cousins in Sweden. I understand your sentiment of Sweden if Trollhättan is your…
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  • Good morning, Kahli! Yes, the Nutcracker Suite is also a must. It's maybe extra special to me since my daughter…
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  • We'll have to do the best out of it... We're actually celebrating today, since swimmer is leaving for Sweden tomorrow…
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  • Good morning, Andi and FM! We can expect a mild day with heavy rains...Christmas spirit, bleh!
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  • That's great, I'll be listening more to that!
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  • Good one!
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  • Busy with all kinds of cleaning projects today... The old one was pretty trashed.
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  • Even a cynical agnostic can enjoy the holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas or other holidays of this season - what…
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  • Good morning, id! The thing about those priorities is that you can combine a nap with pretty much all those…
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  • Good morning! No, not quite, I'm afraid. Major cleaning almost done, but still many presents to get.
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