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    Oh yeah, forgot - here's a link to a UN resource page for the summit.  Follow the link to News…
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  • An article today in the Financial Times: Exhausted United Nations diplomats were on Sunday struggling ahead of Wednesday's summit of…
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  • Gotcha.  Looking very much forward to your update. Checked back and found your diary entry from last Sunday.  Fantastic piece.
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  • I live just across the Hudson river from the WTC-site.  Went out for a stroll a bit earlier after reading…
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  • G'morning, IP.  Thanks for reading my messy rant from last night. Have not seen you around much lately. Were you…
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  • There is clearly a cost to all this fun. Will try to remember to make a few clicks every day.…
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  • There's already $60 billion to go around.  How much will actually reach the destitute and the displaced?
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  • When the pressure gets to them: Stole that from tildblog - trust the owner doesn't mind the theft...
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  • Good morning! Here are some more: The oldest asklet with new cousin adopted from China - my sister's chicken coop.
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  • Bingo. I've been thinking along those lines for several days.
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  • Glad to see you back from your hiatus, DTF. Enjoying your post as much as before.
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  • Hi everyone, Sorry I ave not come by as often the last couple of weeks.  I'm easing into a new…
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  • Good morning, CB.  Early riser? The release date is determined several months ahead. Kevin joins HDRO having served for 13…
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  • Great.  A fantastic source for international statistics as well as articles/analyses. I'd also like to draw your attention to the…
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  • Thanks CB, for this diary entry.  I had thought of doing one myself after work today to draw attention to…
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  • Fox behaving strangely.. Americablog linked me to this C&L video in the wee hours this morning: Horror Show Shepard Smith…
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  • Heh, As I recall, both you (as Creve Coeur) and I diaried about Egeland back in early January over at…
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  • Well, the UN has offered help: 1 September 2005 - The top United Nations emergency relief official has offered the…
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  • If you have a chance, check out this video from WLBT showing the devastation along the coast. Early Tuesday Skycopter…
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  • Flooded for months, indeed. Check out this lady's blog - some amazing pictures and images of the devastated city. All…
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