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    Looks like Karl Rove did break the law, the same federal law that got Martha Stewart sentenced to six months…
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  • Whoever's on the Nobel committee this year, let me give you a big kiss. Gotta love those Norwegians... 😉 The…
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  • Good morning catnip, Congrats with FP rights. I'm afraid our local little troll will be unable to read this hidden…
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  • Didn't - but have now. Notice that he (?) has posted several comments already just now - some of which…
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  • Thanks ME - for linking back to the diary. BostonJoe posted a new comment yesterday with link to the good…
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  • Here Timothy Wirth is the President of the United Nations Foundation and Better World Fund. These organizations were founded in…
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  • Susan & everyone, Sign up for a daily digest of international news here: United Nations Foundations.  Look for the UN…
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  • More on this: From Reuters/Alertnet BAGHDAD, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Iraq's parliament reversed itself on Wednesday over rules for a…
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  • I was wondering what on earth was going on.  When first checking in in the time zone I am in…
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  • Hope you're all well, Back in Khartoum after a few more days down south.  Hot - as in 100-110 deg.…
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  • I was about to say; 'Unbelievable'! - but sadly realized that this is of course the norm in the Republican…
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  • Thanks for the graphs - in particular the lower one. Military = 396 billion Cumulative for all the others listed…
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  • That is very true, regrettably.  Susanhu's story from yesterday makes that clear. The Darfur-conflict is in essence unrelated to the…
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  • Hah, evil.  You must be Janet's brother 😉   The freepers live in a bubble much similar to W's -…
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  • Thanks, but I am not a hero. We have specially trained teams doing the dirty work, though on Monday, I…
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  • Hi DJ, We have a programme trying to clean up explosive remnants of war (ERW - mines, UXO and munitions).…
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  • Oh yeah, when FB Lounge opens tonight, please have one for me.  This place is dry in more than one…
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  • Good morning to all, An evening greeting from Sudan.  In the middle of a two-week visit to Khartoum and southern…
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  • Those that decide are already among the select few for whom the stock Tamiflu will be made available - fuck…
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  • Up and kicking - Friday, so it's holiday here in Sudan.  Connection to the internet is sporadic, pretty tough for…
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