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    Enough of that! On to someone who has been called even worse things - and deservedly so (from Radar Online):…
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  • Let's hope so, but I think time is running out for him... I did a brief entry last night.
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  • Sorry Susan, no. It's a quote from the story itself (fifth para from the bottom). Recall Patrick Lang's story from…
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  • Well, it dovetails very nicely with your diary entry from yesterday. More from IRIN News: ABBOTABAD, 20 Oct 2005 (IRIN)…
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  • I truly appreciated this entry.  And those who did not yet follow the link to the Common Dreams Article given…
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  • Uh Oh! It sounds a little bit too much, but not outside the realm of possibility.  I wrote a diary…
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  • Can Colin still be rescued and redeemed from the Dark Side?
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  • Yes, you'd think so. I Am Not A Diplomat?
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  • Have you tried our sister site European Tribune (link on top of page)?  While there is overlapping 'membership', I'm sure…
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  • And as I posted in the Cafe yesterday; this is where you can apply:  CronyJobs Here's a sample profile of…
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  • Even more misery: The Guardian Earthquake orphans under guard to stop child trafficking Relief agencies in Pakistan fear children separated…
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  • Stockpiles of relief items were pretty much exhausted due to the tsunami and have not had time to recover. IRIN…
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  • My pleasure. The de-iceing of the Arctic is clearly a result of global warming.  It will also accellerate climatic change:…
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  • And if anyone's in doubt, Christopher Wolf's heart is in the right place.  We're faced with information overload, but some…
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  • Here are two cutie pootie-patooties for you. Observed in the compound we are renovating in Juba.
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  • A bit more levity from Crony Jobs (curly just sent me the link): NAME: Harriet Miers POSITION: Associate Justice, US…
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  • White House Watch: Cheney resignation rumors fly. What a beautiful day. Sparked by today's Washington Post story that suggests Vice…
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  • I Am Not A Lawyer. But what is IOKIYAR?
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  • Desperately looking for the "rate-button" when reading on-line newspaper articles.  Not to mention LTEs.
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  • Good morning all, Booman's story last week prompted me to check Drinking Liberally's pages again.  Lo and behold, a chapter…
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