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    Did it on the orange place earlier today when I saw emptypocket's entry. But more fun here, since we are…
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  • Man, you gave me goose bumps reading that piece.  As you said, we all know the basics of the story,…
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  • OK. No - curly and I are very much on the same coast - but you are on a different…
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  • Sorry about that.  It does not break the margins on my browser (Firefox), but you are right - it was…
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  • Can we get it over with already?  The suspense is hard to bear.  Hope this image of serenity will help…
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  • Be ready to cover Fitzgerald's back! I have quoted the Newsmax stories rather extensively to try to limit the traffic…
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  • Oh my!  You nailed it.
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  • Just the guy Bush would need.  A cheerleader - housing bubble?  Nothing to see here, move along! Via AP on…
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  • No, the Palestine and the Sheraton hotels are close to the commercial district Karrada.  The Green Zone is at the…
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  • From The Guardian: Two rockets and a car bomb this afternoon rocked a Baghdad hotel used as a base by…
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  • curly and I made a trip out of the city this weekend to the Birkshires.  Here's an image from our…
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  • Fall is definitely here.  Low 40s this morning.  Time for work.  See you all later.
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  • Hey you girls. Up to no good, and it is hardly evening yet. Oh well, its time to leave the…
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  • Just couldn't bring myself to click any of those buttons... Check out the slide show - Healing Africa
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  • Looking closer at the current content of the site, it appears that it may also be a first defense against…
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  • Maybe Fitzgerald is on his way to put it all in one place as well; "By Dan Froomkin Special to…
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  • I hope so too.  Forecast is not the best, but even a grey or rainy day has its moments.
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  • Even the Chinese have a headline similar to WaPo; UN probe links Syria with Hariri murder, but mention the Lebanese…
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  • "I know - there is no housing bubble; it's all a liberal fantasy to scare people." These people still have…
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  • Ahh - good morning everyone, almost weekend. curly and I will be getting out of the city, heading up to…
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