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    Like kansas, I woke up early.  A few minutes after 4.  Read my favorite blogs.  One coffee and two expressos.…
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  • So, when I was unknowingly volunteered to write a gardening diary, I'm glad I suggested this to Diane a few…
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  • Forgot; Any other Tribbers in the NY-metro area planning to go? It would be nice to hook up.
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  • Well, trying to get some rest the next couple of days.  curly is hosting tomorrow's garden diary - so I'll…
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  • I'll be getting some stuff too - but it looks like it won't reach me before going on vacation on…
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  • Thanks for the great story + pic of spot. Re. missing e-mail from Photobucket; maybe you have a filter that…
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  • My girlfriend ('curly' on this site) opened an account on Imageshack last night (in preparation for hosting coming Saturday's garden…
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  • Here's the Wikipedia entry. Interesting review.
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  • Thanks mrboma. I'll read this a bit more thoroughly when back home.  Also read your diary from last week. Here's…
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  • What a great story - and with 'familiar' characters!  Follow one of the links and read it.
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  • And I can recommend to everyone to visit the Site Meter and see the various statistics, observe the dynamics of…
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  • There's a lot of great background info in this link (towards the bottom of the page). I have no time…
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  • Mainstream or not, we're under full frontal attack from the Cheney-Bush junta - remember, if you're not with them you're…
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  • by neglecting non-proliferation issues and pursuing aggressive policies towards Iran.I forgot; - fuck Bolton, much of this is his responsibility.…
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  • Very interesting.  But how strong is Iran's influence on Sadr? Juan Cole opines: So neither Sistani nor Muqtada can be…
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  • Well, a very early good morning to those in far eastern time-zones.  Here in NY, I'm enjoying a glass of…
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  • I was looking for him to update the story.  When nothing came - I obviously noticed his absence and started…
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  • I don't want to come off as alarmist, but I have been worried for some time.   Wonder if this…
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  • Hehe, fact is I did nothing!  Simply copied from the article I linked to in above comment and made a…
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  • Good morning BF and everyone. Another warm day in NY.  Heading out soon - taking the kids to the Met.…
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