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    Morning! We're having unusually mild weather. Sunny - 60 now, heading for 65+. But forecast predicts major change by the…
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  • The LGF transformation is quite amazing. I was actually over there a bit earlier to read an entry slamming climate…
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  • A bit too optimistic there, boran; ..or perhaps, at worst, have required Palin to name (and lie) a few well…
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  • Agreed, I was just about to ask the same.
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  • Xenophobia and homophobia worldwide... From the Guardian David Bahati, the MP who introduced the bill, defended it by saying "homosexuality…
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  • If that isn't a formula for Christian Fascism, I don't know what is. I am very careful to use the…
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  • Washington shootings suspect killed, say reports Detectives hunting the killer of four police officers who were shot dead yesterday in…
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  • Well - why the US doesn't sign it.(?) - beats me as well. The US remains the only member of…
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  • UXO (Un-exploded Ordnance) is an entirely different story. It is simply unrealistic to expect any acceptance to ban artillery shells,…
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  • eschew their use since 1991, It is possible that no additional land mines have been deployed/placed since 1991, but afaik,…
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  • are cluster bomblets covered under the treaty? Nope. See separate comment.
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  • There are two treaties to keep track of: 1. Mine Ban Treaty Covers anti-personnel mines only, not "anti-tank" mines. There…
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  • I cross posted this to Daily Kos and it seems to be getting some attention.
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  • Good morning. I'm up to nothing which, after 3 days of family gatherings,... Yup, sounds about right - 3 days…
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  • Yoga sounds good, I'm off in a few to my MMA class, I've been on a 9-month hiatus and it…
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  • Yeah, we've had spammers galore the last couple of months, don't know if you've been reading/observing while "away". There are…
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  • Good morning! My sympathies to FM for being awakened at 1.30. I got 8 (pretty) straight hours. We have another…
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  • Good evening, all! OK, enough turkey! The traditional thing at curly's brother and s-i-l last night w/more of her family,…
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  • Eugene Robinson on the hacked e-mails: Stop hyperventilating, all you climate-change deniers. The purloined e-mail correspondence published by skeptics last…
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  • I think we have a winner. ...what with handcuffing pregnant mothers and the like. Apparently, it is much worse than…
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