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    oh as long as the vodka is stolichnaya, or titos.. and not *KOS*kenkorva heehee
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  • and tell me about new mexico. did you enjoy it? i feel that i would. a good friend of mine…
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  • and thats CHURCH. not chuch. heehee
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  • i could take you by the chuch he attends (hint <-- i'm not a member).  twice in the last six…
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  • Janet, i just followed your link to John Kniffin and read it. I'm also in Texas,  which is why I…
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  • and a 4 for everybody in the room at 2:24 am CDT. ENJOY!
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  • zander, no reason to concern yourself with offending us amurcuns. we know its all in good fun.  sometimes though, i…
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  • i'm fine, thanks for askin. still at work. :::looking left looking right:::: off soon.  no action on PiEpOd.  did a…
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  • can't write much now, as i'm at work :::glancing around::: but i really hope that everyone lists their blogs!  i…
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  • hello!  i'm up late today!  is it cocktail hour anywhere in the world yet?  :::snicker::::
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  •  I'm a woman. Please do not refer to me as a dude, it has a dismissive tone to it I…
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  • ah well. not much of a mess today although there seems to have been quite the party.   hmmmm. someone…
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  • There is no art in war; there is only bloodshed. Sun Tsu is a bad metaphor for a progressive to…
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  • i personally prefer the phrase "early adopter". :::smile::::
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  • i'll get that mess. i'll be back after the place closes and clean up... thanks for the coffee! FOURS FOR…
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  • well good  morning everybody! :::Stretch:::: Does the oracle predict a cup of coffee in my future? I certainly hope so!!!!…
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  • In a pinch you can put Morning after pills back in a rape kit, if there's a need. Twenty-one brands…
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  • ::looking around:::  wow. looks like a cat fight happened here today. sheesh, would you look at all the fur. i…
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  • and just like that :::snapping my fingers::: FOURS FOR EVERYBODY!
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  • i feel that the 2 rating you were just given is completely unwarranted.
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