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    uh oh. looks like 'nuther texsun
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  • He thought it said Applesauce.
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  • i would love to but haven't a full day to call my own at present.  freeing up somewhat in mid-august…
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  • i like the AOL poll that says the sun revolves around the planet earth.
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  • mmmmmm. now that looks good!  QQ
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  • good morning everyone!  coffee please! i hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!!  take care!
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  • sounds like a plan!
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  • where the stars at night... are big and bright... BAH BAH BAH BAH deep in the heart of TEXAS! and…
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  • works fine on my mac. i'm using firefox running in panther, i opened it in a tabbed browser window and…
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  • whew.. what a day... now look at this.  QQ   buncha comediennes in here tonight it seems, everyone laughing, showing…
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  • you state: because every Black church with which I have come into contact speaks boldly and prophetically about the ills…
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  • oh i didn't even see you over there!  moi?  well this is my night job.. picking up a little extra…
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  • An historical battle "...In the 1940s a juvenile court judge in Minnesota sentenced a juvenile delinquent, who had not only…
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  • my my my... what a day... here it is 2:20 a.m. and i'm just now making it to frog bottom.…
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  • closin' time... unplug those people and send them home it's closin' time.. :::now. lets see about sweeping up in here:::
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  • If you are wondering what's being done about the public health aspects, this is a good place to begin your…
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  • If you want an idea of what its like when things really go south with radioactive materials, or what man-made…
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  • would love one! just send you a mail from my a w o l account!  please? please?  
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  • i spilled my drink laughing at the duke of URL! thats priceless!!!
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  • ROTFLOL!!!!!
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