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    loki, we don't troll rate anyone into oblivion over here but trolls. i know what you  mean though. i've been…
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  • i agree with you.  i, for one, have no plans to post any diary on the recent events at the…
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  • excellent point, i completely agree with your post. i'm distancing myself as you suggest.  many of us are. IMHO sexism…
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  • Well Zander, like our new member Songmaker, Tito's was also in Austin last weekend! Tito's Handmade Vodka is produced in…
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  • yep, us texuns seemda be bustin' owt awl ovah.. tito's with a jalapeño twist, please?
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  • Shadowthief, what you say in reply to my comment is similar to my sense of what is implied in the…
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  • uh oh.. i've been caught sleeping on the job!  
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  • GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!!!!  well, morning to me, that is.  heehee.. Happy summer solstice! Lets celebrate! coffee first please... hey zander!…
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  • Well, I would recommend you do some reading first. Here's a place to begin. Importing Analog Audio to the PC…
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  • I do not understand your comment. What do you mean when you say "No wonder we lose elections"? At first…
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  • well im always sweeping up... might as well do cafe and lounge.. heehee... got some good drinks? i think i'd…
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  • cleaning lady!  anyone in here?  ah.. looks like everyone's gone ::sitting on a stool putting my feet up on the…
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  • great logo!!!!!
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  • great logo!!!!
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  • good morning! coffee for everybody! on me! I also want to thank you all. Last night, way late, on the…
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  • and easily entertained means never bored and always interested, yes?  :::smile::::
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  • katie, i left you a "thank-you" late last night in the sunday thread about the DIV info you posted. not…
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  • HELP! I need some help. There is this great diarist doing some important stuff on how to win arguments. Shes…
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  • katie! thanks so much for your DIV post. ive used it three times already! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU
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  • katie! thanks so much for your DIV post. ive used it three times already! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU
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