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    This is an embarrassment to the site.
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  • So? That's driven by IC threat assessments. No?  
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  • Schooled by Cohn.
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  • Okay, that's a fair point. You can easily get caught up in a game of five degrees of Kevin Bacon.…
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  • Nuked.
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  • Things could be worse, I'll grant you that. And they will be. Where it matters, though, we have been reduced…
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  • This is what you do now? Ask yourself, wouldn't we know about these bots and trolls the same way that…
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  • You're looking at the elephant's tusks and missing the elephant. I don't even know to begin because your viewfinder's aperture…
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  • Maybe there is no hope for you. The U.S. propaganda efforts are dwarfed by what the Russians are doing. Maybe…
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  • I'm not trying to move votes. I'm trying to get people on my own site to stop saying the stupidest…
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  • They ran a massive, heavily financed trolling campaign to boost Trump in the Republican primaries. They encouraged an army of…
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  • At this point, you're not much different from the people demanding evidence that there really was a moon landing. The…
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  • the troll-rating wars need to stop. I can't take the whining about it, first of all. But secondly, if I've…
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  • It almost amuses me to hear people still talking about election results nearly two years from now that have almost…
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  • Take it easy.
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  • Pretty sure he voted for Trump though.  
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  • This is just disguised both-siderism. You win a Broder Award.
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  • You don't seem to understand that this scheduling conflict is deliberate and intended to send a message.  
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  • I tolerate the views, Voice, which is why people almost never get banned here. I make an exception for people…
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  • I'm tired of your stupid comments.
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