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    That's ludicrous. If the rebels unleashed this attack, they did it with the assistance of foreign intelligence agencies.  The entire…
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  • Yes, I think they have been monitoring things very closely.   But we're talking about a few artillery pieces set…
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  • Well, that was a particularly weasely response.   Our cruise missiles cost somewhere between $500k and $1.5 million a pop.…
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  • So, Iraq= poop Syria= prime rib Got it.  
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  • That episode was priceless. I just pictured Ben, suffering through it all.  
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  • I'll link to you, buddy.  
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  • As if New Jersey gives a fuck.  
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  • Why? He said plenty of quotable things.  
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  • You haven't explained why losing, say, most of an air force, several security ministries, the presidential palace, and another whole…
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  • Could you at least attempt to be less of a dick?  There's only one rule here, and you're breaking it.…
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  • So, what?  You think that dropping some cruise missiles on Syria that you admit will not change the course of…
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  • "Is this your homework, Larry." "The little bastard is stonewalling me."  
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  • I understand why some people make the argument that "dead is dead" and chemical weapons aren't more morally objectionable than…
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  • You are usually fairly logical in your arguments, but I haven't said anything about CW attacks being no different than…
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  • "Won't change the course of the civil war...look at what happen[ed] to Bashar al-Assad" doesn't add up.  
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  • You do understand that we probably don't want the rebels to win, don't you?   Go ask a secular Syrian,…
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  • Iraq Study Group: Iraq Unilateral Weapons Destruction in 1991 Iraq completed the destruction of its pre-1991 stockpile of CW by…
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  • What the fuck are you talking about? I never said that weapons weren't destroyed in the 1990's.  This wasn't even…
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  • Our old friend Pat Lang is equally skeptical.  Well, probably even moreso.  
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  • Would you describe the shock and awe campaign as mere airstrikes?  Airstrikes are what we did in Sudan or to…
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