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    NY, city and state, can give ANY city and state a run for the money when it comes to internecine…
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  • Or he puts his Hobbit feet into flip-flops.
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  • Why do I sometimes feel as if Obama's people have a hit-list of Liberals and Progressives? Btw - the fact…
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  • She's yet another relatively attractive woman who has figured out she can make some real good money going on TV…
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  • Krispy Kreme is pretty nimble for a bull elephant!
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  • Here's the perfect example of his sociopathic elitism: "When my house burns down, I should not go to the government…
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  • This - THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - is why we need a tax on  upper income that's 90+%!!!!!!!!!!!! That is what built this…
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  • You can fix ignorant.  Maybe. But you can't fix stupid.  Never. And when the two are combined, and have a…
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  • "So, why did the Catholic Church allow themselves to become captured by the Republicans' obstructionist agenda?" Why? Because the Church…
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  • Yes. After Nixon did that - and a lot else that helped ruin this country. But he looks pretty good…
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  • Why did he use highfalutin financial terms, which the Reich-Wing thought-leaders can twist into pretzels  for their rubes? Not that…
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  • Nice company they're keeping on Middle East visits - they're following the recent trips over there by the stupid, ignorant,…
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  • No quite "treason," but they definitely are seriously trying to undermine the policy goals of the POTUS and his SoS.…
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  • JAYZOOS!!! BooMan, thanks for that link. Even the GREAT Charles Pierce won't be able to top that brutal and hysterical…
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  • This is typical (sociopathic) Conservative "Superiority-complex" behavior by Bobo. Once Conservatives climb a step up on the ladder, they always…
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  • This asshole went from being a political whore* assuming corporation's favorite positions, to being a corporate pimp, matching other political…
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  • What a twit! Proof once again, that the only time you should use the word "wit" with Conservatives, is as…
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  • The wealthy need to get ready to make some sacrifices, because if some of that decades-long promise of "trickle-down" money…
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  • Tain't nothin' to it! I've been unemployed for almost 5 years. LIFE SUCKS when you're unemployed...
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  • To our Christian Conservatives, the handwriting in the Old Testament and the US Constitution look exactly alike. God's hand, writ…
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