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    Remember the days, folks, when the people in Congress used to pride themselves on the earmarks - aka: pork -…
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  • The Velvet Underground was one of my favorite R&R bands of all time. I have all of their albums. And…
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  • Oh, much, much, much longer than a decade, BooMan! Just within the last 2 decades: Remember how Clinton sending troops…
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  • Even Iago Cantor doesn't want the job. Neither does Ryan. I don't think any rational person does. Who wants to…
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  • "But, so long as the GOP is a party strictly for morons..." And there, BooMan, goes any chance of you…
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  • After the 2012 election results, and now that their recent attempt to shutdown the government and let it go into…
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  • GREAT! Now I don't have to root for injuries, I can actually root for fatalities - and THAT'S a new…
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  • In different times, I could see how Boehner might have been a pretty decent Speaker. He's a Conservative booze-drinking glad-hander,…
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  • Interesting analysis. But, the inconsistency and incoherency really started under Nixon and Reagan. Nixon reluctantly signed OSHA and the EPA.…
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  • Thanks for reminding me!  ðŸ™‚ Btw - great job, over at the WaMo this past weekend!
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  • And it doesn't hurt that Jim DeMint is gone. But as far as the Overton Window's continual move to the…
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  • Interesting quick read about the rube-ification of America: http://www.salon.com/2013/10/11/fox_news_and_talk_radio_brainwashed_my_ Many of these people didn't start off as stupid.   They…
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  • Yes, they're stark-raving mad. But not in their minds! In their circle of relatives and friends, who also listen to…
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  • What will shake out down the road? More people will grow more and more disillusioned with our government. The Republicans…
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  • Uhm... "...why his audience hasn't long ago concluded that his predictive powers are worthless? Because the stupid, the ignorant, the…
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  • Yeah, but that tantrum-throwing boy can be checked for Autism, and other issues, and receive treatment. What can you do…
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  • YAY!!!
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  • Sorry to hear that, BooMan! Hey, if this mess caused by Republicans in DC continues, and the worst happens and…
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  • The Republicans were perfectly willing to fill-out any number of credit card applications for Reagan and W, and send them…
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  • I say, return the hostage Giants and Dodgers teams back to Manhattan and Brooklyn, where they belong!
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