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    Steve, I've been saying pretty much the same thing for years.   We dodged bullets in '08 and '12. Take…
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  • Thank you. And yeah, Kerry's got a pretty good record over the decades. And Oooooooops!!! Jeez, I must have slept…
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  • BooMan, I know diplomatic concerns are involved here, but why the SoS, and not the SoEnergy? I'm no great fan…
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  • Yeah, at least Holder and the DOJ are trying! But let's wait until Scalia and his pals channel the inner…
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  • Opt-in? Boy, talking about putting people in some tough positions - males, AND females!
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  • "Divide and conquer," works.
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  • To be honest, if Republicans were just a bit smarter, and didn't constantly and relentlessly attack Democratic Presidents, there's a…
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  • At this point, President Obama has to envy Harry Truman, because all he had to deal with, was a "Do…
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  • Yeah, you could be right. They may start to think that turd's a Baby Ruth bar, and take a bite.
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  • And who would that Blue State Republican be? I agree, not Peter King - he couldn't sell.  Above all else,…
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  • That's like a choice between a bowl of Ben & Jerry's finest chocolate ice-cream, and feces.
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  • It makes too much sense, to treat people with respect, and call on them to meet with you to discuss…
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  • Conservative POV: It's not that lowering prices is a bad thing, in and of itself. But lowering prices at the…
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  • Ooooops! And thanks! For some reason, if I knew that - and I must have, because I used to win…
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  • How could he be "undefeated," if he's not still on, 26 years later?  ðŸ˜‰
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  • Ya gotta luv dis!!! The Republicans "out-thunk" themselves - THRICE!!! By pitching an epic hissy-fit over Elizabeth Warren being in…
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  • I agree, the law itself was more at fault than the jury. And the result was that "legality" trumped "justice."
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  • It was a trial by a jury of Zimmerman's peers, not Martin's. And that's also part of the problem.
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  • OY! McConnell's 'Lucy' is still holding that football, sure that Reid's 'Good Old Charlie Brown,' will kick it. Harry,  shoot,…
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  • OY! That last line was supposed to be, "This ends today's edition of SATSQ!!!"
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