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    Kindergarteners last year, college students, yesterday. Maybe now we can talk about some sensible gun control? Just kidding!!!
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  • Kirsten Gillibrand is my Senator, and I think I have a major crush on her. Am I allowed to say…
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  • Sensenbrenner never has to feign ignorance. That comes naturally to him. He has to feign intelligence, competence, and compassion -…
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  • Let's face facts - we've pretty much lost the right to have ANY privacy. Whether the intrusions come via our…
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  • I think it was less of a brushback pitch, and more of a bean-ball. Good for Plouffe! He aimed that…
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  • The job of Conservatives, is to muck-up whatever progressive things Liberals and Democrats try to accomplish. John Roberts, was just…
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  • I've been unemployed for over 3 years, and if I was a greedy soul-less sociopath, I could make a ton…
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  • Try drinking decaf.
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  • I can't even text, let alone even think of trying to write an article on an iPad. Shortly before I…
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  • And so, too, are many churches in this country, political. And I'd be perfectly ok with eliminating tax exemptions on…
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  • "Or, maybe, you have just enough depth to realize that the president thinks you're shallow. And you know that he…
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  • This ignorant hypocrite had NO PROBLEMS supporting Irish terrorists, back in the day - as long as they were HIS…
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  • There's another layer to this story that I haven't seen written about, or, maybe I've missed it - where were…
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  • I'm impressed that President Obama is even at least open to the idea of handing back some Presidential powers that…
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  • Yeah, it's standard. And it really sucks. This is the same kind of thing that lawyers who are defending rapists…
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  • Also too - I forgot to add, that I really appreciate President Obama's timing in giving this speech right before…
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  • Great piece, Booman! President Obama just made all of us who were called "Obamabots" for 4 years feel justified in…
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  • If "Bloody" Bill Kristol hasn't felt any shame up to this point, why should be, over immigration? "Shameless" people, can't…
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  • If the Cuomo was Mario, I could definitely get behind him. Andrew is a DINO - I know, I live…
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  • Bravo! I don't have anything that would add anything to this fine, fine, piece of writing - and, humanity.
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