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    In answer to your silly question: It's OKIYAAR! This ends today's segment of "IOKIAAR!!!
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  • No wonder the poor schlub's a drunk.
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  • Conservatives, don't "do" empathy. Just like they suck at humor. They suck at it, because they all have an "irony…
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  • Because, since they apparently never read the book themselves, in the Bible these uber-Christians have been told about by their…
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  • The Justice Department has yet to be heard from. Though I doubt that President Obama and AG Holder will do…
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  • I've tried to like Greenwald for the better part of a decade. He's smart.   He's a great researcher.  …
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  • Sadly, I think the Republicans will put up a vicious hissy-fit over anyone but Lieberdouche.
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  • McArgle Bargle would have a lock on the "Wanker of the Day Prize," but for the stiff competition out there…
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  • Conservatives WANT there to be riots, so that they justify their fear and hatred of black people. And then, they…
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  • When Conservative communicate with one another nowadays, we Liberals either need a code-book, or a decoder ring, to understand what…
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  • Yes, President Obama has been good on this issue, from day one. Plus, the Senate Republican push-back against her, led…
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  • Yeah, it never made sense to me that in a country like Pakistan, he could live in such close proximity…
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  • I have the fullest confidence that Harry Reid and a few other Democrats will, once again, find a way to…
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  • The Bush's, too. The Cheney family missed its calling - they should have moved down to South or Central America,…
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  • OY! 'Unlikely,' to find another job.
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  • BooMan, I love you, and I love this site. But I'm unemployed (for over 3 years), and my Mom and…
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  • I'm with ya, BooMan! If you're stupid and irresponsible enough to send out pictures of your junk, then I figure…
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  • He's got a long list of stuff like that. He's a detestable creep, who's also a show-pony who like to…
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  • Maybe the Republicans feel that if they can suppress the votes of enough minority members who currently CAN vote, that…
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  • At least our Quakers - among other sects and religions - took the progress of individual, civil, and human rights,…
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