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    BooMan, I love ya, but don't be in too big of a rush to say we've overcome Jim Crow! If…
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  • Our problem is, when their actual policies are explained to people, and not the pretty little names they attach to…
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  • Ah, years ago, when I was in college, it was cold, left-over pizza, and a much colder beer or ale.…
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  • Hey, if the US Government gives Mitt enough money, maybe he could do what he did before, and we can…
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  • Yes, and unless Deval Patrick is the Democratic Presidential candidate, then the Republicans will be running against either Hillary, or…
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  • Yeah, I'm guilty - I always thought he was too connected to Wall Street. Which isn't to say that he…
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  • What? Get rid of the columnists? Especially the Reich-wing ones? Then the WaPo will have change Fred Hiatt's motto:  …
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  • Plenty of politicians find plenty of money for new prisons! Plenty of companies are willing to run them as private…
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  • Yeah, I know. And that obviously does worry me.
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  • Yeah, he's a little too joined at the hip with the banksters and thugs on Wall Street. And no one…
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  • From what I can remember, she was pretty much a lock to win the Democratic nomination back in 2005. And…
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  • It's hard imagine that they're not connected. If I was a terrorist, and knew some of my brother terrorists were…
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  • "Stupid is, as stupid does."
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  • The bed he made, will be a hospital bed. If I were him, and I value being able to walk,…
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  • My greatest fear, is that with our American Taliban trying it's best to emulate the way women are treated in…
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  • Yes, and this Authoritarian Fascist ideologue is one major domestic terrorist event, or another catastrophic economic downturn, from doing well…
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  • All of a kind. And all part of the plan. Sometimes, you're NOT just paranoid, if you think there are…
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  • The powers-that-be made John Paul IInd Pope to take the Catholic Church back to before the DFH's had their 2nd…
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  • Pardon my cynicism, but I think our Christianista Republicans will do everything they can to avoid having any progress be…
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  • Sure, I'm concerned. But if you think about it, we humans have been genetically modifying our food for thousands and…
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