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    Yeah, and there's a pretty large element around who wouldn't mind turning that tightrope that he's walking, into a noose.
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  • At least we have an adult in the Oval Office. When Obama gives his SOTU address every year, you can…
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  • That's because everyone alive who's over 25, has grown-up with the US v. USSR paradigm. Our neoCLOWN's have never gotten…
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  • And now our Reich-Wingers will say, "AHA!  We TOLD you Obama was a Muslim!  And now we know what kind…
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  • Democratic Senators should come in, wearing either diapers or Depends on the outside of their clothing. Mocking the assholes is…
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  • BooMan, Haven't you noticed that there's a black man, in the White House? Obama's election was the spark that's caused…
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  • In all fairness, after Dick and W's disastrous mis-administration, we lost a hell of a lot of credibility around the…
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  • Angry?  The Who's "Quadrophenia." Contemplative?  Simon and Garfunkel - or, Simon solo. And for any and every thing else, Bob…
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  • And if we want to send a message to Assad, instead of missiles, can't we use social media? Instead of…
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  • My impression, is that Bibi is just a slightly smarter version of W. He has that same, for lack of…
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  • I think when Godzilla is finally done growing-up in that irradiated sea water off the coast, he'll come and annihilate…
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  • Look, I know it's a serious situation, and my heart goes out to the people of Syria, but unless my…
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  • If this is another example of 11th Dimensional Chess - ME LIKEY!!! The Republicans look like a party of Elmer…
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  • All of that - AND exceptionally attractive, too! I hope I live long enough to somehow help her save this…
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  • One might think, that with new ownership, if one were smart, a columnist would want to put forth his/her best…
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  • IOKIYR. This ends today's edition of "IOKIYR." Stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting edition of "IOKIYR!"
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  • This is all well and good. But how do we stop Republican politicians from drinking mercury?
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  • BooMan, As usual, if you look at the bad shit that's happened in this country over the last 3/4's of…
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  • Imo - strangely, though it doesn't appear at all likely, Christie may actually BENEFIT from losing the Governor's race. If…
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  • Oh, I didn't think BooMan believed that. I was just trying to be a bit "snarky."
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