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    He wears that hat, well - so, say that for the ma... skunk.
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  • Maybe you can help me - is it the 4th of July, St. Patrick's Day, or New Years Eve, that…
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  • I believe he'll also be required to don a hair-shirt for the remainder of his term. I wonder if it…
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  • Modern Conservatism cannot fail. It can only BE failed. And, in their minds, Mitt Romney wasn't white enough, or conservative…
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  • Yeah, and if the Republicans DO win the WH anytime soon, and both houses of Congress, what's happening in NC…
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  • The weather in  upstate NY, seems to be a lot like Philly's. It's raining outside, as if we were in…
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  • Nothing will happen. Bibi is nothing more than a softer, more sociably acceptable and more personally engaging version of the…
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  • I don't think anyone is really surprised that someone of her race and age used the "N-word." I know I…
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  • BooMan, If you're white and live in NYC, "Stop and frisk" is probably more than all right. But ask the…
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  • Whodathunkit? That the Justice to the SC, nominated by a petulant jerk of a President, is himself a petulant jerk.…
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  • And I suppose they see the same scenario replaying itself, regarding all of these "gates" that are supposed to be…
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  • How about some other women running, besides Hillary - though, I imagine if she runs, Democratic women will step-aside and…
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  • Malkin projects her self-hatred onto everyone who she thinks is beneath her. Especially other minorities. She's desperate to be accepted…
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  • GOP POV: Feck jobs, and the unemployed! Feck Women's Rights!! Feck Human Rights!!! Feck Civil Rights!!!! ZYGOTE'S RIGHTS, RULE!!!!! We…
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  • Ah, another member of the Frankenstein family, finds out that he can't control the monster he helped create. Hey, asshat,…
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  • That Rubio boy ain't none too bright, now is he? To quote two of America's greatest philosophers, Foghorn Leghorn and…
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  • And while I'd love it if Ted Cruz held his breath until  he not only turned blue, but asphyxiated, I…
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  • I apologize in advance, because the term in not at all acceptable, or politically correct, but - she's a fuckin'…
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  • Now, this? Jayzoos H. Keerist, not even able to herd his Disciples together, even for a last supper! President Obama…
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  • If we weren't so dependent on oil from the Middle East, maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't have so much at…
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