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    Has Bill Cosby been over for a sleep-over, and some pudding pop's, lately? Not that his points aren't valid. But…
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  • The problem here, is that the oldest of the DC MSM Villagers, all cut their teeth on Watergate. SCANDAL!!! Then,…
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  • At on point, earlier in his career, Dobbs wasn't fully crazy. Then, when he went back on CNN in the…
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  • When the Obama's recommend that people limit video game activity, and ask that parents have their children read books instead,…
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  • If by "handle it," you mean the press running wherever the GOP points, and barking and digging up sh*t, bringing…
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  • Well, these morons should have realized that their "outreach" was bound to fail, when it started with nothing but an…
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  • Look, I'm well aware that we have a lot of red areas even in blue States.   I live in…
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  • I would be all for splitting the country up - but peacefully. Then, we Blue States can remain The Remaining…
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  • The media doesn't care about following-up, because someone else will bleed, or another white girl will go missing, tomorrow.
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  • Oh, BooMan, I'm sure you know that the killings in "THOSE" neighborhoods ARE considered news.   They talk about them…
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  • Well, ok then. How about, "The Divine Right(s) to be Caesar!"  ðŸ™‚
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  • I was 15 when Roe was decided, so I may not be the best source. But, I did read the…
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  • My only favorite moment, out of the many, many horrors that man and his evil cabal loosed onto this country…
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  • An almost daily dose of The Who's "Quadrophenia," "Live at Leed's," and "Who's Next" And the rest of the British…
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  • Itself being an asylum, The Heritage Foundation should have known better than to welcome one of the inmates to help…
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  • Jayzoos H. Keerist on a broken unicycle, is there ANYthing we can't pin on those damn Finn's!!!
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  • I feel sorry for some of the people who had no choice but to do the bidding of the sociopathic…
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  • Yeah, you're right about that - but try explaining that to a Conservative. And I'm sure now that we're privatizing…
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  • Because spending money building prisons, and then paying low wages to the CO's who are too stupid and violent to…
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  • GOP POV: In order to fix things, they must first, be broken. Again, and again, and again - until the…
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