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    We could certainly provide some extra fluff from Dumbledore for that care package...I need to give him a good brushing…
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  • That sounds fabulous.  Especially after nearly OD'ing on my birthday cake.
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  • Thanks, SN! (ps, what's a grilled romaine salad?)
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  • That looks lovely!
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  • I am sitting here patiently waiting for it to be cake time for real...
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  • That looks almost too pretty too eat, FM.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Now, who told?  ðŸ™‚ Thanks!
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  • That was quite the GA episode... Poor dog, that chewing looks painful.  Was she a found puppy?
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  • I'm sorry your schedule is so mixed up; it's so hard to get back to normal after that happens, but…
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  • I hope the weather goddess is smiling somewhere, but it doesn't look good based on everyone's comments so far.
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  • I would like a week of summer before we bring on the winter, thanks.  ðŸ™‚ How are you today?
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  • Here's hoping the sun arrives here today!   I don't even really feel all that sorry for her, it's more…
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  • We're due for thunderstorms tonight, but I think just cloudy skies during the day. Elizabeth Edwards was just on my…
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  • LOVE the guys in the hats!
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  • Aww...I need to post pics of our bunny buns,,,he (Jambi) has grown so much!
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  • It's another misty humid morning here...ugh.  I hope it burns off and dries out before too long.
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  • Ugh, up all night...hope you get a good nap today! I had a cup of coffee, and I'm going to…
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  • I pointed that out this morning.  I also told him that one of the people running for one of the…
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  • I'm still moving slowly...and CBtY is enjoying taking advantage of it.  I've gotta wake up though, because I have a…
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  • I had a really good yoga class last night and slept so well...that I totally overslept and then couldn't remember…
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