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    It's funny, it's more a matter of shifting your weight from the balls of your foot to the heels on…
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  • Yeah.  I've moved past that now...to playing CBtY's Shaun White snowboarding game on the Wii Fit board.  What a hoot-…
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  • Company's fun, but I have to confess I enjoy having the place to myself again after they leave. On a…
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  • But I'm about to start the sleeves when I pick it back up.  How about you? I had to finish…
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  • Merry Christmas, FamilyMan! I can't believe everybody brought their pets with them...hope you're enjoying all the company, and that you…
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  • Merry Christmas, ask! Was Santa good to everyone at your place?
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  • Merry Christmas!
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  • That is adorable!  
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  • That's great.  Our Christmas stocking gelt this year was wrapped to look like Euros and Danish Kroner (let's hear it…
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  • I'm with you:  beautiful music is beautiful music, religious or not.
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  • I did fall back to sleep, and no one got up till about 8:30.  This teenager parenting thing has it's…
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  • Merry Christmas, olivia!  I guess you have a white christmas, don't you?
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  • Actually, they're still asleep.  I'm surprised, because CBtY wanted to go to bed early and get up at dawn to…
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  • (ahem).
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  • Reading about all these trouble spots makes you realize how small your own troubles are in comparison, doesn't it? Hope…
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  • How has everyone been?  I feel like I've been offline for a while. Just finished wrapping my presents and sticking…
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  • I hope things aren't too serious, and that everyone is feeling better for the holiday. I'm sending healing thoughts your…
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  • Guess that means we'll be huddling under the comforter tonight. Your kugel in the other cafe looked yummy, btw.
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  • We got ice Saturday night...and with the little bit of melting and winds yesterday to shake the ice coating loose…
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  • There is definitely a gender difference in the level of comfort with last-minute rushing during the holidays , I think.…
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