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    from the same article: At least US$10 billion has been embezzled, according to Iraq's Commission on Public Integrity, which is…
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  • of how this "credit crunch" is unwinding: MSNBC Like an ex-mobster turning state's witness, Das has turned his back on…
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  • It would have been smart of them to simply not vote on it, like Obama did.   Of course, they…
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  • not allowed to open by court order: Chicago Trib A federal judge Thursday turned down Planned Parenthood's request for an…
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  • I understand the need for a nap...I took one yesterday.  It's tough getting back into the routine of school, work,…
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  • Hi ask!  We're having a nice string of good weather, aren't we?  CBtY has a half day today, so we'll…
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  • Yay!
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  • A-men.  They wasted half a day on the moveon bullshit.  Where's the vote on "waaah, Fox news is mean"?  Who…
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  • I don't think that ad was going to change any minds.  People already expected a Petraeus whitewash of the whole…
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  • these statistics are a little scary: Reuters Surfing the net has become an obsession for many Americans with the majority…
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  • A continuation of yesterday's crushing blows...and a reminder that all we really seem to succeed at is documenting the atrocities.
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  • But I look forward to your weekly vitriolic missives!  We get enough PC-don't-rock-the-boat-keep-your-powder-dry crap from our reps...
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  • If you think that's bad, you should see Jim Gerlach's excuse for why he's against expanding SCHIP. I mean, really,…
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  • Is DL really telling you to lighten up on your email content?
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  • "Bush isn't going to tell them to go on patrol without food and bullets and he really would get impeached…
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  • As if Elizabeth Hasselbeck weren't bad enough, they had to go out and find someone else to make her look…
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  • do they give these anti-science winger people jobs on my teevee? If you watch the linked clip to the end,…
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  • WashPo To paraphrase the immortal words of John Kerry, Sen. John Warner actually did vote to shorten the Iraq war…
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  • has a blog!
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  • Shouldn't it be Friday?
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