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    I laugh in the face of free market sealots...  ðŸ™‚ My mother was shopping yesterday, looking at some Eileen Fisher…
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  • Notably, my CSA (community supported agriculture) farm share is the same price as it was last year, and seeming like…
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  • be sure and leave your breasts at home: NBC Setara Qassim said she was flying home to Burbank, Calif., from…
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  • More on the UC Dean/scholar of consitutional law who was hired and almost immediately fired due to "conservative pressure":  LATimes…
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  • The price of everything at the grocery store has gone way up, too.  Not just the milk... The high oil…
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  • Yep - I even wore long pants on my walk yesterday afternoon.
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  • It's really chilly here this morning.  I better finish knitting the neck on someone's special sweater today...
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  • G'night ManEe! Hi AndiF, ask, and anyone else who may have snuck in. Oh, and Happy New Year, Andi.  CBtY…
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  • After looking at the comparison between you and Lipinski's views on your site,  all I can say is that I'm…
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  • They were so awful(ly funny) I just had to share them with somebody.
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  • New children's teevee programming
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  • Which nobody would be quite so awware of if she actually wore, you know, clothing once in a while...
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  • Because so many people are enthusiastic about him, I've been trying to reserve my judgement until after hearing him speak…
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  • I never thought much of him either (other than, "Why is everyone so gung-ho about this guy?").  He's always seemed…
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  • Petraeus is a liar...but you already knew that.
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  • If I were suddenly the Decider (is this like Freaky Friday?) I'd overturn Libby's pardon and send him to jail.…
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  • I have to admit, my first thoughts turned to the Pat Tillman story, too...
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  • Or just more of their typical 5-steps-behnd-the-GOP-and-snookered-again strategery?
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  • And the update at the bottom of the linked piece: Update: Liz from Hip Hop Caucus is at court and…
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  • Apparently he just gets out a bigger backhoe everytime we think he's hit bottom, and keeps digging. I'm so glad…
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