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  • I love the way this one tuned out!  How did you find the time along with getting ready for your…
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  • We're off to music circle this morning, and hen a drive out to hawk mountain for a hike with CBtY.…
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  • I was thinking about our Louisville meetup this week and wishing we could do something similar again.  That was such…
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  • I hope everything smoothes out for you soon.
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  • OMG, that is just gorgeous! I really have to come visit there one of these days. We are back to…
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  • Thank you!
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  • Happy Monday! I love this pic, Andi - may everyone's week be as  golden!
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  • I was a GD and bluegrass person, maybe that's part of it.
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  • Congrats! It seems like a great day for a run.
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  • Um, I don't know what DK is either....time for this geezer to go googling I guess.  ðŸ˜‰ I can't believe…
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  • Where has the week gone?
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  • I'm surprised at how quickly ours are turning in the past few days. I would like it to last a…
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  • A spa day or pedicure or Rhinebeck sheep and Wool festival might be an easier and simpler cure...  ðŸ˜‰
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  • From all this testosterone. Ugh.
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  • CBtE found a job! He has orientation tonight and hopefully starts working right away. Speaking of work, conference calls at…
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  • I think we"re supposed to get rain here midweek and sun again for the weekend, so you should be okay.…
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  • I love a late burst of summer weather...even if the water is too cold. Can't wait to see the painting…
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  • Everything here is just starting turn, and I went for a lovely walk with Finn and my mom yesterday.  Looking…
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  • The week is stretching out ahead....what do you all have cooking this week? We had a busy weekend with family…
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