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    They're all great, but the contrails are my favorite.
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  • It's an awesome experience - I recommend doing it during fall foliage season, the trees all look like colored broccoli…
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  • We have another gloomy day here today, but no rain.  Just no sun to help dry things up...I guess we…
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  • We're starting to feel like mushrooms in a swamp here, with all the rain and flooding and tropical storm moisture.…
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  • This week I think "water from the sky" is more like it.  ðŸ™‚ How are you this morning?
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  • What better reason could you have for cleaning? 😉 I hope she has smooth travels - I'm looking forward to…
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  • They do look like hats, don't they? I have some angels for my christmas tree made of pinecones with acorns…
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  • Photo courtesy of AndiF. How is everyone this morning?  We're in for yet another day of soaking rain.  Our basement…
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  • It is so beautiful there, I never get tired of seeing the pictures.  That ski jump looks pretty scary, though.
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  • We were with my mom and all the boys, and it was pretty last-minute (and we didn't even make it…
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  • I want to come too.  ðŸ™‚  But a meetup in October seems more likely...
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  • We did have an awesome day!  The weather was perfect, and everyone had a good time.  Nice to get to…
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  • Oh no!  Isn't the relaxed peaceful state supposed to last a little longer than that? I'm wrapping up my "staycation"…
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  • That BooMan was still logged in on my computer when I made the above comment...
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  • maybe the president could force half the Senate to give him their estates and then insist that they commit suicide…
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  • We're doing pretty well here; hopefully NY will make out as well as we did.  We're still running the pump…
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  • It's an Inky Dinky sweater for Finn, in madelinetosh DK superwash, colorway well water.  ðŸ™‚ I'm hoping to finish it…
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  • Cabin Boy the Elder, as he has been known around these parts.
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  • We offered... It was CBtE's birthday...Irene crashed the party.
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  • That does suck.  We have the pump running in the basement.
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