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    The nature deficit is most alarming.  I spent my summers as a kid out of doors, in an area of…
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  • I think FamilyMan should teach them...
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  • Agreed. 🙂 My new work schedule is MTW in the office, TF work from home, and I must say, it…
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  • Cool!  I only have a few hours today too (summer Fridays are awesome)!  What are you up to this weekend?
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  • But, deficit reduction is so important, and jobs, jobs, jobs, and they must be really tired from raising the debt…
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  • It's disgusting, isn't it?  
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  • Heh. Or on the emergency vehicles now stored inside?  ðŸ™‚
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  • "But it also sets the stage for what is going to be a vigorous debate over the next year and…
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  • when BooMan and the Finny are walking down the road looking for mommy's car when she comes home... FWIW, the…
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  • Humpier than usual - I have a day filled with client meetings, starting with lunch at 11:00. How's the AC…
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  • Oh no- I hope BooMan banned them while he was at it so they don't come back.
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  • Can I just add that my iPhone is back to not holding a charge again?   Sheesh.
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  • Yes.  ðŸ™‚
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  • and thank ALL of the assholes in DC for screwing with a perfectly fine summer weekend. On another note, Finny…
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  • I see this whole thing as a reward for the teapartiers...and because Obama has rewarded the behavior nobody wants, it…
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  • "1800 Pennsylvania Avenue"? He should have his 'Murrican Patriot card revoked for that...then again, if the Obamas live at 1800,…
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  • Glad to hear you're healing up. The big CBs are actually staying busy with summer construction jobs, replacing a porch…
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  • Ugh.  I'm tired of the mugginess again already - why is it back so soon?
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  • ooh, another cold weather picture, perfect antidote for today's free sauna treatment.  ðŸ™‚
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  • Heh. How is the lung, btw?  
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