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    It appears that they are up to their eyeballs in the stuff in congress, and still feel a need to…
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  • It's important to have a sense of humor when the lunatics have taken over the asylum and are destroying the…
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  • And happier sinuses here today.  Finny got a summer cold (oh, those germs at library playtime) and gave it to…
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  • Yes! 🙂
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  • It would appear that he's already been doing plenty of that, from these blunders...
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  • Positively frosty!  ðŸ™‚
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  • Ugh, we're looking at 100+ temps in the next few days here, so I imagine you're getting the first round…
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  • I'm trying to teach him to wake up and sing "Good morning, good morning" a la Debbie Reynolds in SInging…
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  • Finn woke up this morning, and the first thing he said was "oh no, oh no, oh no." Do you…
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  • That's "Friday" for me this week - I'm having a staycation until Tuesday.  ðŸ™‚
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  • I've had 5 hours of sleep with minimal interruption for the first time in a week, and now I'm having…
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  • Yep.
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  • What's going on now is an aggressive effort to make middle class people pay for the wars, with interest included.…
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  • I'm glad to hear Jen is doing well, and hope it lasts too. I'd love to do another meetup...if you…
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  • Oh, what fun that was!  The good company, the World cup excitement, and the stroll on the high line...
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  • It's so refreshing after all that humidity and heat, isn't it?   Have fun with the chores!  I'm looking forward…
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  • Oh, the envy I am feeling right now! I hope you all had fun together!
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  • And very hump-y at that...Finny was up repeatedly from 4-6:15, then keeled over until I got up at 7.  Long…
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  • Nice shot!
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  • Dude, do you have to be such a masshole? 😉
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